BSc MidwiferyAdd to shortlist


Health Sciences


BSc Midwifery

3 years

€3300 pa

Programme profile

Midwifery is one of the most ancient disciplines of medicine.

This programme will provide you with knowledge in the area of medical sciences, most notably: prenatal medicine, neonatology, gynaecology and nursing. They will allow you to accustom yourself with types of services provided to a woman and her family, pregnant woman, woman in labour and a newborn baby.

Programme content

Basic Science

- anatomy
- physiology
- pathology
- embryology
- physical examinations
- biochemistry and biophysics
- genetics
- microbiology and parasitology
- public health

Nursing Skills

- pharmacology
- radiology
- psychology
- sociology
- pedagogy
- law
- philosophy and ethics in midwifery
- obstetric techniques and conducting childbirth
- health promotion and education
- primary health care
- diagnostics in midwifery and gynaecology
- obstetrics and obstetric care
- gynaecology and gynaecological care

Entry Requirements

Three A-Levels

Six passes at Leaving Cert, inc 2 x H5




04 March

01 July